Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology

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Sudhir Babu P, G. Sujatha, G. Amaresh

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Pattern of refractive error in urban and rural young adult population – A hospital based study

Original Article

Author Details : Sudhir Babu P, G. Sujatha, G. Amaresh

Volume : 3, Issue : 3, Year : 2017

Article Page : 337-341

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Introduction: Uncorrected Refractive errors are the second largest cause of impaired vision and blindness world wide causing considerable morbidity and economic loss to the society. Evaluation of uncorrected refractive error helps in Planning of community eye services.
Purpose: Study was conducted to know the pattern of refractive error in urban and rural young adults.
Materials and Method: Study was conducted simultaneously at an Urban and a Rural centre. All enrolled subjects were interviewed through a questionnaire regarding complaints, family history and life style. Ocular examination and refraction was done and refractive error <-0.5, in Myopes and >+0.5D in hyperopes was recorded and Data statistically analysed.
Results: Among 1784 subjects 963 were urban and 821 were Rural, M:F ratio was 1:1.13. Mean age of cases in urban and rural population was 28.8sd
5.2 and 30.2sd 6.01 years respectively. Headache and decreased vision were common presenting symptoms seen in(29.03%) and (28.02%) subjects respectively. Myopia was prominent in urban population (60.33%) and hypermetropia was common in rural population(52.50%)(p<0.000001). Myopia was significantly associated with indoor activity (62.51%)(p<0.000001). 16.58% of myopes had significant positive family history.(p<0.000001).
Conclusion: Myopia is more prevalent in urban and hyperopia in rural population, family history and indoor activities are significantly associated with myopia.

Keywords: Blindness, Myopia, Hypermetropia, Refractive Error, Spectacles, Visual Acuity

How to cite : Sudhir Babu P, Sujatha G, Amaresh G, Pattern of refractive error in urban and rural young adult population – A hospital based study. Indian J Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2017;3(3):337-341

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