Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology

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249- 251

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CN Madhusudhana, Apoorva N, Varna V Shet

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Clinical profile and visual outcome of patients presenting with penetrating ocular trauma to a tertiary care hospital

Original Article

Author Details : CN Madhusudhana, Apoorva N, Varna V Shet

Volume : 3, Issue : 3, Year : 2017

Article Page : 249-251

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Introduction: To identify the cause of penetrating ocular trauma; demographic, clinical profile and visual outcome of the patients presenting with penetrating ocular trauma to a tertiary care hospital.
Materials and Methods: It is a hospital based- prospective study that was conducted over a period of one year. 146 eyes of 146 patients attending outpatient in the department of ophthalmology with penetrating ocular trauma were included. Demographic data like age and gender, cause of penetrating injury, nature of work that was being carried out at the time of injury, time duration between injury and presentation to the hospital, visual acuity and diagnosis were recorded. Evaluation of anterior and posterior segment was done at time of presentation. Final visual outcome was recorded at the end of 6-8 week follow up after complete treatment.
Results: Penetrating ocular trauma was found to be more common in adults in the age group of 35-45 years and in males (71.23%). Most of them were working in agricultural field (42.46%) at the time of injury. The most common mode of injury was wooden stick. 52% of patients presented in 24-48hrs after injury, which were highest among the groups studied. Visual acuity of 6/60 or worse recorded at the time of presentation was 56.80%. After complete treatment and follow up at the end of 6-8 weeks, the best-corrected visual acuity ranging between 6/18 to 6/60 in co-relation with the time of presentation is 59.20%.
Conclusion: Most common cause of ocular morbidity in village set up are found to be in people working in agricultural field without adequate protective measures. Hence the need to explore workplace strategies to minimize ocular trauma becomes a priority. Educating the community regarding the protective measures to be undertaken at the workplace is of utmost importance. Visual outcome was found to be better in patients in whom only anterior segment was involved and who presented to the hospital within 24hrs of trauma.

Keywords: Agricultural field, Ocular morbidity, Workplace strategies, Wooden stick injury


How to cite : Madhusudhana C, Apoorva N, Shet V V, Clinical profile and visual outcome of patients presenting with penetrating ocular trauma to a tertiary care hospital. Indian J Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2017;3(3):249-251

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