Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology

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234- 238

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Kamran Maqbool Hassan, Syed Ali Nasar Waris, S.V. Swamiraj, Syed Asghar Hussain

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Ocular injury pattern in the university hospital of South India

Original Article

Author Details : Kamran Maqbool Hassan, Syed Ali Nasar Waris, S.V. Swamiraj, Syed Asghar Hussain

Volume : 3, Issue : 2, Year : 2017

Article Page : 234-238

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Background: Ocular trauma is a major cause of preventable monocular blindness and visual impairment in the world. There is relatively less population based data on the magnitude and risk factors for ocular trauma, especially from developing countries. In an attempt to determine the pattern of ocular injuries in the region, this study was carried out.
Methods: This retrospective study was conducted between April 2014 and March 2015 at the SRM MCH & RC, a suburban tertiary care hospital at SRM university campus. All available demographic data with ocular history and eye findings of the patients visiting the hospital during the study period were examined and recorded.
Results: Of 20,376 patients seen during the study period, 729 had at least one form of ocular trauma or the other. 82.44% were males while 17.56% were females. Mean age of the study group was 26.71 ± SD 11.04 years (range from 5yrs to 70 yrs.). The younger population between 11-40 years were most affected, of which 47.05% were from age group, 21-30yrs, as in TABLE 1. 45.54% of the trauma cases reported on the same day of injury, i.e. within 24 hours. In our study, 48.69% had visual acuity of 6/6 - 6/12. The most common cause of injury is work place related, 38.41%. Road traffic accident (RTA) 26.34% accounted second most common cause of the injuries followed by Sports 11.52% as in Table 4.
Conclusion: In this study, blunt eye injury was the most common type of ocular trauma. The community should be educated and informed about the importance of preventive measures.

Keywords: Closed globe injury, Open globe injury, Work place related, Road traffic accidents, Visual acuity, Preventative measures, Public awareness

How to cite : Hassan K M, Waris S A N, Swamiraj S, Hussain S A, Ocular injury pattern in the university hospital of South India. Indian J Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2017;3(2):234-238

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