Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology

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Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology (IJCEO) is open access, a peer-reviewed medical journal, published quarterly, online, and in print, by the Innovative Education and Scientific Research Foundation (IESRF) since 2015. To fulfil our aim of rapid dissemination of knowledge, we publish articles ‘Ahead of Print’ on acceptance. In addition, the journal allows free access (Open Access) to its content, which is likely to attract more readers and citations of articles published in IJCEO. Manuscripts must be prepared in more...

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146- 152

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Padma B. Prabhu, Sreeshma S., Fathima Husna, Raju KV

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Pattern of care and maintenance of eye wear among regular spectacle users

Original Article

Author Details : Padma B. Prabhu, Sreeshma S., Fathima Husna, Raju KV

Volume : 2, Issue : 2, Year : 2016

Article Page : 146-152

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Background: Spectacles is the first choice for optical correction worldwide. The novice wearer is concerned about the comfort and cosmetic appearance rather than the quality of vision. Care of the spectacle, lens and frames, is mandatory to extend the life of one’s eye wear.
Aims and Objectives: To assess the attitude and practices of constant and regular spectacle users regarding the care of their eye wear.
Design: Cross sectional study based on questionnaire survey.
Material and Methods: The cases were selected by convenient sampling. The questionnaire covered demographic characteristics, general knowledge, care and maintenance as well as review schedule.
Results: The study included 50 cases. 60% of the participants were aware about the power of their glasses. 52% were informed regarding the care and maintenance of spectacles by the respective opticians. 88% responded that they checked the power of glasses at regular intervals. There was no specific cleaning modality of preference in 68% cases. The case was used for storage of eyewear (when the glasses were not in use) by 32% participants. 70% approached an optician for adjustment of glasses when misaligned. Awareness about care and maintenance strategies was poor. Recipients of proper instruction (by the optician), subjects with low level of literacy, those with profession not requiring constant near work and bifocal wearers had better awareness.
Conclusion: The majority of spectacle users had poor knowledge on the care and related aspects of eye wear.

Keywords: Bifocals, Eye wear, Maintenance, Optician, Reading glasses, Spectacles, Spectacle power

How to cite : Prabhu P B, Sreeshma S., Husna F, Raju Kv, Pattern of care and maintenance of eye wear among regular spectacle users. Indian J Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2016;2(2):146-152

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