Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology

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103- 111

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Neeti R Sheth, Miti P Shah, Ashish Pandey, Shubhra Dubey*

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Retinopathy of prematurity- A clinical study of incidence and risk factors

Original Article

Author Details : Neeti R Sheth, Miti P Shah, Ashish Pandey, Shubhra Dubey*

Volume : 9, Issue : 1, Year : 2023

Article Page : 103-111

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Objectives: To know the incidence of retinopathy of prematurity in low birth weight and preterm neonates and study the association between presence of risk factors with incidence of retinopathy of prematurity.
Material and Methods: It was a hospital based cross-sectional study carried out in 500 newborns having gestational age ? 36 weeks or birth weight ?2.5kg presenting in OPD at G.T. Sheth Eye Hospital, P. D.U. Government Medical College, Rajkot. During 2021-2022 where 500 neonates (?36 weeks gestational age and ?2.5kg gm birth weight) were screened as per ICROP guidelines during the procedure after approval of neonatologist/Paediatrician. Informed verbal consent was taken from Patient’s parents or Guardian. And History was taken along with risk factors according to proforma. Anterior segment and dilated detailed fundus examination was done with indirect ophthalmoscopy and 20D lens with all aseptic precautions. Data was recorded and analysis of the data was done using student t- test and chi square test to find p value of the data to the significance of the study results.
Results: The incidence of ROP in any stage was 8% in our study which is less than other studies conducted in India. Mean Gestational age among ROP positive neonates was 31.76 weeks (range 27 to 33 weeks). Incidence of APROP in our study was 25% among ROP of any stages. Mean gestational age and birth weight for APROP in our study was 30.4 weeks and 1.77kg respectively. Low birth weight and prematurity were the most important risk factors for developing any ROP. Other significantly associated risk factors in our study were respiratory distress syndrome and age at which oxygen therapy given
Conclusion: Incidence of ROP in our study is less than other studies which is due to less awareness among parents for retinopathy of prematurity and its risk factors. Most of the patients who developed ROP were exposed to oxygen at very early post conceptional age. This shows that rather than oxygen therapy alone age at which oxygen is given is more important.

Keywords: Retinopathy of prematurity, Premature infants, Blindness, Low birth weight.

How to cite : Sheth N R, Shah M P, Pandey A, Dubey S, Retinopathy of prematurity- A clinical study of incidence and risk factors. Indian J Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2023;9(1):103-111

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