Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology

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Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology (IJCEO) is open access, a peer-reviewed medical journal, published quarterly, online, and in print, by the Innovative Education and Scientific Research Foundation (IESRF) since 2015. To fulfil our aim of rapid dissemination of knowledge, we publish articles ‘Ahead of Print’ on acceptance. In addition, the journal allows free access (Open Access) to its content, which is likely to attract more readers and citations of articles published in IJCEO. Manuscripts must be prepared in more...

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Case Report

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Annapureddy Anusha*, Samuel Cornelius Gnanadurai

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Lipaemia retinalis in hyperlipidemia, uncontrolled diabetes mellitus

Case Report

Author Details : Annapureddy Anusha*, Samuel Cornelius Gnanadurai

Volume : 8, Issue : 4, Year : 2022

Article Page : 576-579

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A 52-year-old male patient presented with a chief complaint of diminution of vision over the past two months. He is a known case of type -2 diabetes mellitus for 25 years but has not been taking his medication regularly. Ocular examination revealed visual acuity of 6/18 in both the eyes, xanthelasma, arcus senilis, posterior segment examination revealed creamy white discolouration of the retinal vessels. Routine blood investigation revealed high level of triglycerides (1550 mg/dl), cholesterol (615 mg/dl), LDL-C 10 mg/dl, HDL-C (187 mg/dl), and with HBA1C of 14.4%. Hence, diagnosed this case as lipaemia retinalis. The patient was referred to a physician for treatment, and after treating with statins, lipid-lowering therapy, and blood sugar control, the patient was reviewed every month; six months later, the patient had normal retinal vessels and improved visual acuity, in addition to normal triglyceride, cholesterol, and blood glucose levels.

Keywords: Lipaemia retinalis, Hyper triglycerides, Creamy white retinal vessels.

How to cite : Anusha A, Gnanadurai S C, Lipaemia retinalis in hyperlipidemia, uncontrolled diabetes mellitus. Indian J Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2022;8(4):576-579

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