Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology

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Rao Vaishnavi Prasad

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Awareness and attitude towards eye donation among rural population

Original Article

Author Details : Rao Vaishnavi Prasad

Volume : 8, Issue : 2, Year : 2022

Article Page : 259-264

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Background: Voluntary eye donation especially among rural areas is less and is associated with lot of myths and gaps in the knowledge.
Aim of the study was to assess the awareness and attitude towards eye donation among rural population.
Materials and Methods: Cross-sectional observational study conducted from November 2019 to February 2020, in OPD and eye camps. After written informed consent, self-designed questionnaire in the regional language with dichotomous closed ended questions was given.
Results: Of 400 people, 47(11.75%) knew only front of the eye can be donated.301 (75.25%) were aware that eye can be donated only after death. 253 (63.25%) mentioned that there is no age limit for eye donation. 298 (74.5%) knew diabetics could donate eyes. Majority of them had no idea about eye donation in infectious diseases such as HIV, HbsAg and were unaware as to who can give consent (111-27.75%), and place of retrieval of the eye 93(23.25%). 92(23%) answered eye should be donated within 6 hours after death. 29 (7.25%) answered that donated eyes can be used in the treatment of corneal disease. 164 (41%) were willing to donate eyes out of which nobility was the major reason for 104 (64%). 236 (59%) were not willing for donation due to fear of disfigurement.
Conclusion: In our results we observed that awareness for eye donation is less among people of community and majority of them were unwilling to donate eyes. Hence, extensive awareness programs can change the attitude towards eye donation and motivate people to donate eyes. Community awareness is the major chain link for the success of eye donation for corneal transplantation.

Keywords: Eye donation, Corneal transplantation, Blindness, Awareness, Attitude.

How to cite : Prasad R V, Awareness and attitude towards eye donation among rural population. Indian J Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2022;8(2):259-264

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