Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology

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Haleema A*, Sheeba C S , Jasmin L B , Lessitha N K

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Low vision in school aged children- associated factors and effect of low vision aids on functional status

Original Article

Author Details : Haleema A*, Sheeba C S , Jasmin L B , Lessitha N K

Volume : 8, Issue : 2, Year : 2022

Article Page : 250-253

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Background: Low vision is defined as significant reduction of vision that cannot be corrected to normal by standard optical correction, medical treatment or surgery. Global prevalence of low vision in paediatric age group is over 10 times that of paediatric blindness. Low vision aids (LVAs) are optical devices which enhance residual vision by magnifying image of object at the retinal level. Early intervention with LVAs can strengthen the vision of children with low vision, by reducing visual stimulus deprivation at an early age, and hence it improves their quality of life. Aim of this study was to identify factors associated with low vision and to assess functional status of children after using LVAs.
Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive study conducted among 56 children, between 5 to 15 years age group, attended who visited in a tertiary centre with low vision during a period of 11 years. After taking history, general, systemic and ocular examination, LVAs were prescribed for near and distant vision and were assessed after 2 months. Data analysis was done by using Graphpad quickcalcs internet software.
Results: Out of 56 children included in this study, 71% accepted and 29% denied LVAs for distant vision. 58.5% accepted and 12.5% denied LVAs for near vision. 28.5% did not require LVAs for vision. In older children acceptance of LVAs is found to be significantly higher compared to younger age group.
Conclusions: Majority of patients are satisfied with LVAs and frequently use them. Adequate LVAs are major factors in improving quality of life. There can be deterioration of vision due to ongoing disease, so regular follow-up examinations are also necessary part of management of low vision patient.

Keywords: Best corrected visual acuity, Distant vision, Low vision aid, Near vision.

How to cite : Haleema A, Sheeba C S, Jasmin L B, Lessitha N K, Low vision in school aged children- associated factors and effect of low vision aids on functional status. Indian J Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2022;8(2):250-253

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