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Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology (IJCEO) is open access, a peer-reviewed medical journal, published quarterly, online, and in print, by the Innovative Education and Scientific Research Foundation (IESRF) since 2015. To fulfil our aim of rapid dissemination of knowledge, we publish articles ‘Ahead of Print’ on acceptance. In addition, the journal allows free access (Open Access) to its content, which is likely to attract more readers and citations of articles published in IJCEO. Manuscripts must be prepared in more...Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 7, Issue : 2, Year : 2021
Article Page : 436-441
Purpose: To evaluate the rise in intraocular pressure (IOP) in post cataract surgery patients who received topical steroids.
Materials and Methods: Patients in the age group of 50-75 years and both sexes who were coming to ophthalmology OPD at a tertiary care hospital of Western Maharashtra were studied. 500 subjects who underwent uncomplicated cataract surgery were taken into consideration; both age and sex matched. All patients were screened for raised intraocular pressure by Perkin’s tonometer preoperatively and at 5th day, 2nd week, 4th week, 6th week and 8th week postoperatively. Patients were allocated into two groups: either topical Prednisolone acetate e/d (1%) (Group I) or Dexamethasone e/d (0.1%) (Group II) started six times for 1st week (considering the cells in anterior chamber <2>
Results: In our study group, the prevalence of steroid-responders was 3.6% with 0.8% showing mild rise, 2.8% showing moderate rise in IOP on the fourth week of topical steroid usage. There was no difference in the mean IOP rise with the usage of two different topical steroids (E/d Prednisolone acetate (1%) and E/d Dexamethasone(0.1%)) in our study. The highest mean IOP was noted at the 5th postoperative day (20.26 mmHg) which was due to inflammation & there was a gradual decrease in IOP in the subsequent weeks of follow-up till 8th week. While as duration after cataract surgery progress till 8th week of follow up, moderate rise in IOP occurs which gradually comes down to mild rise till 8th week of follow-up.
Conclusion: Steroid-induced IOP elevation typically occurs after 4 weeks of beginning steroid therapy and the prevalence of steroid responders in post cataract surgery patients was established.
Keywords: Steroids, Intra-ocular pressure.
How to cite : Mohankumar K, Lune A A, Goud R, Desai C C, Cardoza N J, Study of prevalence of raised IOP in post cataract patients following topical steroid usage. Indian J Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2021;7(2):436-441
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