Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology

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Devangi Patel*, Priti Kapadia Gupta, Nishtha Patel

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Clinical profile and associated risk factors of uveitis in patients attending tertiary care hospital

Original Article

Author Details : Devangi Patel*, Priti Kapadia Gupta, Nishtha Patel

Volume : 7, Issue : 1, Year : 2021

Article Page : 49-53

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Purpose: To study clinical profile of uveitis in tertiary care centre.
Materials and Methods: In a cross-sectional study, total of 66 patients were identified as having uveitis visiting tertiary care centre. The diagnosis of uveitis and associated systemic diseases was based on a detailed clinical history, ophthalmological examination, general physical examination, and available laboratory tests. The patients were classified according to the standardization of uveitis nomenclature (SUN) working group. All patients were offered treatment as per possible investigation reports or through clinical work up.
Results: Out of sixty-six patients M: F ratio was 1.87; unilateral 62.12%; bilateral 37.87%. Minimum age among study population was 18, while maximum age among study population was 72. Most cases of uveitis recorded in 25-44 years age group (51.51%). Specific diagnosis could be made in 26 (39.39%) patients. Anterior uveitis was the most common variant (n = 43 [65.15%]), followed by posterior (n = 12 [18.18%]),
intermediate uveitis (n = 8 [12.12%]), and panuveitis (n=3 [4.54%]). 29 (43.93%) patients had acute, 23 (34.84%) had chronic, 13 (19.69%) had recurrent course of disease and 1 (1.51%) patients had quiescent phase of disease on presentation.
Conclusion: We found specific etiology in one third of patients with the help of investigations. Despite of much efforts to identify the cause of uveitis, majority of the cases remained idiopathic or undiagnosed.
However, the prompt clinical diagnosis and early initiation of appropriate treatment could achieve good response. Majority of patients in our study received topical corticosteroids.

Keywords: Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) association, Newer emerging uveitis entity, Ocular tuberculosis, Toxoplasmosis, Uveitis.

How to cite : Patel D , Gupta P K , Patel N , Clinical profile and associated risk factors of uveitis in patients attending tertiary care hospital. Indian J Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2021;7(1):49-53

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