Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology

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Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology (IJCEO) is open access, a peer-reviewed medical journal, published quarterly, online, and in print, by the Innovative Education and Scientific Research Foundation (IESRF) since 2015. To fulfil our aim of rapid dissemination of knowledge, we publish articles ‘Ahead of Print’ on acceptance. In addition, the journal allows free access (Open Access) to its content, which is likely to attract more readers and citations of articles published in IJCEO. Manuscripts must be prepared in more...

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Sunil Kumar*

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Comparasion of intraoperative triamcinolone and Bevacizumab with conjuctival autograft alone in pterygium surgery

Original Article

Author Details : Sunil Kumar*

Volume : 6, Issue : 1, Year : 2020

Article Page : 84-86

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Pterygium is a degenerative condition of subconjuctival tissue that undergoes elstotic degeneration and
proliferates as vascular granulation tissue under the epithelium. This ultimately encroaches the cornea
destroying its epithelium, superficial stroma and the Bowman’s membrane. 1 It is occurs more commonly
on the nasal side than the temporal side, but it can occur on both sides (double pterigium). 2 Pathogenesis
is mainly implicated to ultraviolet radiation exposure. It has highest prevalence and in the tropical areas
near the equatorand to lesser abd milder degree in cooler climates. The increased levels of proangiogenic
factors like basic fibroblast growth factor (BFGF), transforming growth factor Beta (TGF-b), vascular
endothelial growth factor(VEGF) and platelet derived growth factor(PDGF) are responsible for formation
and recurrence of Pterygium; however the most important of this growth factor is VEGF. 3
Aim: To compare the efficacy of intraoperative subconjuctival injection of Triamcinolone and
Bevacizumab with conjunctiva autograft alone in primary Pterygium surgery.
Materials and Methods: Total 150 patients divided in three groups (50 patients of each group), underwent
primary Pterygium surgery between MAY 2016 to APRIL 2017. In group A, Conjuctivialauto graft
alone was done while in groups B & C, it was combined with Intraoperative Subconjuctival Injection
of Triamcinolone 4 (0.2mg/ml) and Bevacizumab 5,6 (2.5mg/0.1ml).
Result: Recurrence rate at 12 month was more in auto graft alone (group A) than in the auto graft in
combination with Triamcinolone (group B) and Bevacizumab (group C) respectively.
Conclusion: Subconjuctival injection of Triamcinolone & Bevacizumab can be combined with
Conjuctivialauto graft intraoperatively to prevent but Triamcinolone may prefer due to more cost

Keywords: Bevacizumab, Pterygium, Triamcinolone.

How to cite : Kumar S, Comparasion of intraoperative triamcinolone and Bevacizumab with conjuctival autograft alone in pterygium surgery. Indian J Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2020;6(1):84-86

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