Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology

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Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology (IJCEO) is open access, a peer-reviewed medical journal, published quarterly, online, and in print, by the Innovative Education and Scientific Research Foundation (IESRF) since 2015. To fulfil our aim of rapid dissemination of knowledge, we publish articles ‘Ahead of Print’ on acceptance. In addition, the journal allows free access (Open Access) to its content, which is likely to attract more readers and citations of articles published in IJCEO. Manuscripts must be prepared in more...

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486- 490

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Garima Singh*, Kavita Kumar, Sooraj Singh Kubrey

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Corneal degenerations in central India: Clinical profile and visual impact

Original Article

Author Details : Garima Singh*, Kavita Kumar, Sooraj Singh Kubrey

Volume : 5, Issue : 4, Year : 2019

Article Page : 486-490

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Aims: To study cases of corneal degenerations presenting to a tertiary eye care centre in central India with
regards to their clinical profile, socio-demographic parameters, association with dry eye and their visual
impairment at presentation.
Materials and Methods: Cases of corneal degenerations presenting to our Cornea Clinic in a span of
one year were identified and categorized. Details were noted regarding age, sex, socioeconomic status,
residential locality, occupation, working conditions and prior ocular history. Dry eye assessment was done
using Schirmer test and patients were sorted under various categories of visual disability.
Results: We came across a total of 127 cases of corneal degeneration, among which the maximum number
(74.80%) were of Arcus Senilis (95 cases), followed by 10.24% Spheroidal Degeneration (13), 7.09% Band
Shaped Keratopathy (9), 5.51% Crocodile Shagreen (7), 1.57% Salzmann Nodular Degeneration (2) and
0.79% Terriens Marginal Degeneration (1 case). The mean age was 61.66 years and the male: female ratio
was 1.89:1. Most cases belonged to low socioeconomic status (48.03%), urban locality (65.35%) and were
involved in indoor work (67.72%), with the exception of spheroidal degeneration. Only 12.60% cases of
degeneration had Schirmer 1 values suggestive of dry eye problem (<10mm> (32.28%) fell in Category 2 of visual disability (75% impairment), excluding the 33.86% of cases which
had even <20> Conclusion: The study sheds light on the profile of cases of corneal degenerations, some findings in
accordance with the existing data and some not, in particular relevance to the current trend and the specified

Keywords: Clinical profile, Corneal degenerations, Sociodemographic factors, Visual impact.

How to cite : Singh G, Kumar K, Kubrey S S, Corneal degenerations in central India: Clinical profile and visual impact. Indian J Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2019;5(4):486-490

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